Self Love Studio TeleClass – Dec. 9th, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues,Patricia Varley and Self Love Studiot=”123″ />

As a woman in today’s world, who believes she can do anything but feel pressured to do everything, I know that you often feel like you have to do it all, be it all and have it all, right now, perfectly and with a smile. And I also know that the only way to set that crazy heavy burden down – because I’ve been afflicted by it myself — is to do something most of us were never taught… love ourselves more. That’s why I am so excited to invite you to Self Love Studio this fall, where I and 6 other women have been asked to share our secrets and honest personal stories on how you can stop killing yourself and start loving yourself.

There is no question that we are in this together. Which is why the creator of Self Love Studio, Christine Arylo, is making this tele-series FREE. We wanted to give women and girls a place they could come to get inspired and get answers on what it really takes to love yourself… because she believes, as do I, that there is nothing more beautiful, powerful or free than a woman who truly loves herself. And let’s face it… there’s nothing beautiful, powerful or free about you when you are exhausted and driving yourself into the ground trying to hold it all together.

All you need to take part in the virtual series, is access to a phone on Wednesdays at 6pm PST / 9pm EST and a readiness to try things a new way. The series begins on October 28th and runs through December 16th, with my interview on December 9th! You can attend as many or as few of the calls as you’d like and can register at any time, clicking here to register for free now.

Guest Star Link:

I know that these calls will be powerful and I am honored to have the opportunity to share my personal story with all of you. While the details may differ, our stories in the end are all so similar. I look forward to being with you on the call… just click here and reserve your virtual seat!

Guest Star Link:

With heart, love and gratitude,


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